Low Rank Optimisation: Unleashing the Power of Low Dimensionality

Low rank optimisation is a powerful tool in the field of optimisation that leverages the inherent low-dimensional structure of matrices to solve complex problems efficiently.

Low Rank Optimisation: Unleashing the Power of Low Dimensionality


Low rank optimisation is a powerful tool in the field of optimisation that leverages the inherent low-dimensional structure of matrices to solve complex problems efficiently. This technique has found applications in diverse domains such as machine learning, signal processing, computer vision, and data analysis. In this article, we will explore the concept of low rank optimisation in greater detail, delve into its underlying mathematics, examine real-world examples, and discuss popular algorithms used to tackle these problems.

Understanding Low Rank Matrices

A matrix is said to have low rank if it can be approximated well by a matrix of much smaller size. This approximation is achieved by decomposing the original matrix into two lower-dimensional matrices. Mathematically, for an m x n matrix A, if the rank of A is r (where r << min(m, n)), then A can be approximated as A ≈ UV^T, where U is an m x r matrix and V is an n x r matrix. This low rank approximation enables efficient computation and storage, making it a valuable tool in various optimisation problems.

Applications of Low Rank Optimisation

Low rank optimisation has a wide range of applications across different domains. Let's explore a few examples:

Collaborative Filtering: Collaborative filtering is a popular technique used in recommendation systems. It involves predicting user preferences based on the behavior of similar users. Low rank optimisation techniques, such as matrix factorisation, are employed to approximate the user-item preference matrix. By decomposing the matrix into low rank components, collaborative filtering algorithms can efficiently generate accurate recommendations.

Image and Video Processing: Low rank optimisation plays a crucial role in image and video processing tasks like denoising, inpainting, and super-resolution. By exploiting the low rank structure inherent in image and video data, these techniques can effectively recover missing or corrupted information. For example, in image denoising, a low rank approximation of the noisy image can be obtained, allowing for the removal of noise while preserving important image details.

Matrix Completion: Matrix completion refers to the task of filling in missing entries in a partially observed matrix. Low rank optimisation algorithms are commonly used to recover the underlying low rank structure and accurately estimate the missing entries. This has applications in recommender systems, where incomplete user-item preference matrices can be completed using low rank optimisation techniques to improve the quality of recommendations.

Several algorithms have been developed to solve low rank optimisation problems efficiently. Let's explore a few notable ones:

Singular Value Thresholding (SVT): SVT is an iterative algorithm that solves the nuclear norm minimisation problem. By replacing the nuclear norm of a matrix with a soft-thresholding operator, SVT can efficiently handle large-scale problems. It converges to a low rank solution by iteratively updating the singular values of the matrix.

Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM): ADMM is a powerful optimisation algorithm that is particularly effective for problems with a low rank structure. It decomposes the original problem into smaller subproblems and iteratively updates the variables until convergence. ADMM has been widely used in various low rank optimisation tasks, including matrix completion and collaborative filtering.

Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM): ALM combines the advantages of ADMM and the augmented Lagrangian approach to efficiently solve problems involving low rank matrices. It introduces additional variables and Lagrange multipliers to handle the low rank constraints. ALM has demonstrated promising results in various low rank optimisation problems, such as robust principal component analysis and matrix completion.


Low rank optimisation techniques have revolutionised various domains by leveraging the low-dimensional structure of matrices. By exploiting the inherent low rank structure, these techniques enable efficient and accurate solutions to complex optimisation problems. In this article, we explored the concept of low rank optimisation, discussed its applications in collaborative filtering, image and video processing, and matrix completion. We also highlighted popular algorithms like SVT, ADMM, and ALM that are used to tackle low rank optimisation problems. As research in this field continues to advance, we can expect further developments in algorithms and methodologies, leading to improved performance and broader applicability of low rank optimisation techniques.