Why should you use Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment

Ensuring the security and privacy of your self-hosted environment is crucial. Traditional security measures may not be enough to protect your sensitive data from evolving threats. This is where Cloudflare Zero Trust comes into play.

Why should you use Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment


In today's digital landscape, security is of utmost importance. With the rise in cyber threats, it has become crucial to protect sensitive data and infrastructure from unauthorised access. Traditional security measures like firewalls and VPNs are no longer sufficient to protect against sophisticated attacks. This is where Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel comes into play. In this blog post, we will explore why using Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment can significantly enhance your security posture.

What is Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel?

Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel is a secure network tunneling solution that enables organisations to establish private and secure connections between their self-hosted infrastructure and Cloudflare's global network. It leverages Cloudflare's network infrastructure to provide secure access to internal resources without exposing them directly to the internet.

Benefits of Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel

Using Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment offers several benefits:

Enhanced Security

By leveraging Cloudflare's network infrastructure, Zero Trust Tunnel provides an additional layer of security to your self-hosted environment. It ensures that all traffic between your infrastructure and Cloudflare's network is encrypted and protected from potential threats.

Zero Trust Architecture

Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel follows the Zero Trust security model, which means that every request is authenticated and authorised, regardless of the user's location or network. This approach significantly reduces the attack surface and minimises the risk of unauthorised access.

Scalability and Performance

Cloudflare's global network is designed to handle massive amounts of traffic, ensuring optimal performance and scalability for your self-hosted environment. With Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel, you can benefit from this robust infrastructure without the need for additional hardware or complex configurations.

Simplified Network Management

Managing a self-hosted environment can be complex, especially when it comes to network configurations. Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel simplifies network management by providing a centralised control panel where you can manage access policies, monitor traffic, and gain insights into your network's security posture.

Drawbacks of  Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel

While Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel (formerly known as Cloudflare Access) offers numerous benefits for securing access to resources, there are a couple of reasons why it may not be suitable for a self-hosted environment:

Dependency on Cloudflare infrastructure: Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel relies on Cloudflare's network infrastructure to establish secure connections. This means that your self-hosted environment becomes dependent on Cloudflare's availability and performance. If there are any disruptions or issues with Cloudflare's infrastructure, it could impact your access to resources in the self-hosted environment.

Limited control and customisation: When using Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel, you have limited control and customisation options compared to a fully self-hosted solution. You are bound by the features and configurations provided by Cloudflare, which may not align perfectly with your specific requirements or security policies. If you require granular control over access policies, authentication methods, or network configurations, a self-hosted solution may be more appropriate.

While SSL encryption is important for securing data in transit, it's worth noting that this arrangement introduces a potential point of vulnerability. By decrypting and re-encrypting the traffic, Cloudflare effectively becomes a middleman, capable of viewing the unencrypted data passing through its network.

Cloudflare has a strong track record of security and privacy practices, this setup may not be desirable in certain scenarios where sensitive or confidential information needs to be protected from any potential exposure. In a self-hosted environment, you have more control over the encryption and can implement end-to-end encryption directly between the client and the self-hosted server, without relying on a third-party service like Cloudflare.

Ultimately, the decision to use Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel or any other service in a self-hosted environment should be based on your specific security requirements and risk tolerance.

It's important to consider these factors and evaluate whether the benefits of Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel outweigh the potential drawbacks in a self-hosted environment.

Setting up Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment

Setting up Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment involves the following steps:

Sign up for Cloudflare

If you haven't already, sign up for a Cloudflare account and configure your domain.

Install Cloudflare Tunnel

Install the Cloudflare Tunnel client on your self-hosted infrastructure. This client will establish a secure connection between your infrastructure and Cloudflare's network.

Configure Access Policies

Using the Cloudflare dashboard, configure access policies to define which resources are accessible through the Zero Trust Tunnel. You can specify granular rules based on IP addresses, user roles, or other attributes.

Monitor and Analyse

Cloudflare provides comprehensive monitoring and analytics capabilities to track the performance and security of your Zero Trust Tunnel. Utilise these features to gain insights into your network and make informed decisions.


In conclusion, using Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in a self-hosted environment can significantly enhance your security posture. It provides enhanced security, follows the Zero Trust security model, offers scalability and performance benefits, and simplifies network management. By leveraging Cloudflare's network infrastructure, you can establish a private and secure connection between your self-hosted infrastructure and the internet, ensuring that your sensitive data and resources are protected from unauthorised access. So, if security is a top priority for your organisation, consider implementing Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnel in your self-hosted environment.