Wecan: Secure Data Management and Compliance on the Blockchain

Data security and compliance are of utmost importance for businesses and individuals. Wecan Group offers a comprehensive solution to address these challenges with its suite of products, including Wecan Connect and Wecan Comply.

Wecan: Secure Data Management and Compliance on the Blockchain


Data security and compliance are of utmost importance for businesses and individuals. Wecan Group offers a comprehensive solution to address these challenges with its suite of products, including Wecan Connect and Wecan Comply. Leveraging blockchain technology, Wecan provides secure data management, instant messaging, and compliance management capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore the features and benefits of Wecan and how it can help organizations and individuals protect their data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Wecan Connect: Secure Instant Messaging

Wecan Connect is a blockchain-secured instant messaging platform designed for professionals and individuals. It offers distributed data storage, ensuring the privacy and security of your conversations. With Wecan Connect, you can digitally sign documents and messages using biometric security, providing an extra layer of authenticity and integrity. The platform also allows for authentic forwards, ensuring the traceability and auditability of your messages.

One of the standout features of Wecan Connect is its aggregator, which enables you to consolidate all your instant messaging accounts into a single mobile app. This streamlines your communication and eliminates the need for multiple messaging apps. Additionally, Wecan Connect incorporates Web 3.0 User Engagement Rewards mechanisms, allowing users to earn rewards for their messages, participate in moderation and anti-spam efforts, and benefit from grants, bug bounties, in-app purchases, and referral rewards.

Wecan Comply: Blockchain Data Manager

Wecan Comply is a blockchain data manager that is already trusted by over 100 financial institutions. It provides a centralized and secure platform for managing personal and professional data and documents. With Wecan Comply, you can easily share your data with counterparties in just one click, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency.

Often referred to as the "1Password for data," Wecan Comply is widely used by companies for employee, customer, supplier, and investor onboarding and offboarding. It is also favored by auditors for regulatory, financial, security, and other audit requests. The compliance management cockpit offered by Wecan Comply enables systematic and real-time auditing, ensuring organizations stay compliant with regulations.

Tokenizing Data for Auditability and Rewards

One of the key aspects of Wecan's solution is the tokenization of data on the blockchain. This process provides several benefits, including auditability, time-stamping, rewards, and secure sharing. By leveraging blockchain technology, Wecan ensures the immutability and transparency of data, making it auditable and traceable.

Furthermore, Wecan introduces the Wecan Token, which serves as a means of rewarding users for their engagement and contributions to the platform. Users can earn tokens for their messages, participate in moderation and anti-spam efforts, and receive rewards through grants, bug bounties, in-app purchases, and referral programs. This incentivization mechanism encourages active participation and enhances the overall user experience.


Wecan Group offers a robust solution for secure data management and compliance on the blockchain. With Wecan Connect, businesses and individuals can enjoy secure instant messaging with features like biometric security, document signing, and authentic forwards. Wecan Comply provides a centralized platform for managing and sharing data, ensuring compliance with regulations.

By tokenizing data on the blockchain, Wecan ensures auditability, time-stamping, rewards, and secure sharing. The introduction of the Wecan Token further enhances user engagement and participation. With Wecan, organizations and individuals can have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and compliant.

To learn more about Wecan and its suite of products, please refer to the Wecan Group Whitepaper.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice.